Heidi Boehm

Design influencer: systems, digital, tech, enterprise, the future



COMPLEXITY with role assignment

In large organizations, admins control permission levels in the organization. The original design below only allowed permissions to one account. Think about that big big box store that has many locations and a purchaser per location. How does the admin manage all the software and permissions per person and one or many locations? The original design of the single modal only works for one purchasing account. By creating a design that allows multiple users in multiple accounts be selected, it helps out the Admin significantly.

[1.1] Original design was modal and limiting

[1.1] Original design was modal and limiting



Rather than using the original modal design, the flyout panel was the preferred pattern. Initial iterations applied the grid matrix yet it was not scalable for the requirements.


Explorations of the role selection while contained within the flyout panel.


Stacked roles with descriptions under titles

PRO: Passes accessibility

CON: Too lengthy


Hover state with bullet descriptions

PRO: Clutter free and a quick read


Hover state with detailed descriptions

PRO: Hidden descriptions which can be viewed as needed

CON: Description in sentence format is too long and hard to digest

[1.2] Final deliverable of assigning roles to a billing account

[1.2] Final deliverable of assigning roles to a billing account